aiming to tell and be Good News in the community
We meet every Sunday at 10.30am to worship together through singing, praying, listening, reflecting, discussing, creating, giving and serving.
We have limited capacity to run separate creche or young peoples' groups at the moment but have started a young peoples' discussion group during the sermons on the 2nd and 3rd Sundays of the month.
Everyone is welcome. Refreshments are served after all services, so if you don't have to rush off stay to have a drink and chat with someone you've never met before!
Recordings of our Sunday sermons can be listened to via our download page.
Meet at the church at 8am to pray together.
A creative partnership with Shawm Kreitzman offering a chance to enjoy, learn and critique films together. Everyone is welcome and our screenings are usually free. Our Café opens at 7.00pm and the films are screened from 7.30pm. More information here.
This group meets in the church at 7.30pm for prayer and praise. It is conducted in portuguese and english and everyone is welcome. Please speak to Adi if you want more information.
Site by Pete Martin based on Foundation from ZURB